নতুন নিয়মে লন্ডন কেয়ার ভিসা || UK Care Worker visa New Update 2023 || UK Visa ||

If you want to take a job in Ukraine, the UK, or London or want to settle down with your family, the only option is that you can settle down in the UK with this Tier 2 visa. This is a skilled worker category visa, the most popular skill category being the care worker visa. How can you go for this care worker visa, what occupations are there in this care worker, care worker related recent updates will be discussed in this blog today.

Those of you who really want to settle in the UK have options, but now they have reduced or become very limited. Earlier there was an opportunity to visit family on student visa but it has been closed recently. Now if you want to go to the UK with your family, or want to settle, then you have to take a work permit. Which is in the tier two or skill worker category. All jobs or professions but the UK does not give work permits randomly. Some are short occupations but they issue work permits.

The most popular of them now is the care worker. You can go very easily with this care worker visa. However, the ratio of care worker visas is the best among them and the most beneficial thing is that after 5 years of care worker visa, you can apply to live independently. Once the approval of the indefinite leave is done, he can get citizenship very easily. If you can do this job with difficulty for 5 years, you will have the opportunity to become a proud citizen of the UK or a British citizen very easily. Now your question comes, how can I get the work permit or how can I do a UK care worker visa. The key to success for this is that you have to manage a job sponsor. Managing job sponsors If any employer gives you a sponsor then you apply for a visa, it is almost certain that you will get a visa. However, this application process must be done correctly. Nowadays, many people manage this job sponsor through money transactions.

This is why the UK Home Office will take the genuineness test very seriously from now on. That is, whether you are a real employee or whether your employer really needs any workers, the Home Office will check this thing. Therefore, you should be very careful in the application process. You must first create a UK standard CV by properly researching your job responsibilities and skills according to your profession, and occupation, and then insert them into the CV. Then you have to find authentic job sites with your CV, find the job sites that match you best, and apply for that job. Earlier I had a video on how to apply to any authentic job site in UK code with a detailed procedure.

If you have a close family member, friend, or relative in the UK, and if you can manage a job sponsor through them, then you can still apply for a visa or you managed someone with money and you took this sponsor. But of course, you have to play the artificial role of how you have applied, even if it is a connection with your employer. That is, you will send a mail and keep some evidence so that if there is any problem in any place, later after getting the visa, you can show those evidence so that you can pass your genuineness test. Because of this, you have to take some extra precautions. Now let’s see what are the eligible occupations for this healthcare worker visa. Many people think that this healthcare worker means only a job in a care home, that the elderly, disabled, children, nursing, etc. a care worker visa.

There is a list of eligible occupations granted by the UK Home Office. If you follow that list, you will understand that many people can apply for this job through a healthcare-related profession. Many of us have different healthcare professionals already in different parts of our country but it is very easy to try these jobs. Let us know what are the eligible occupations directly, including the occupation list.

From that post, you can know details and updated information. This post has been published on August 13, here are all the details about the care worker visa, and how many days the visa will be available. Here are the names of the eligible occupations you can see, Healthcare Service and Public Health Manager, Director of Biological Sciences and Biochemist, Physical Sciences, Medical Practitioner, Psychologist, Pharmacist, Ophthalmic Opticians, Dental Practitioner, Medical Radiologist, Medical Radiographer.

Thus looking at each of your occupations, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech and language physiotherapists, then nurses, midwives, social workers, laboratory technicians, and finally, rental nurses, care workers, and home carers, senior care workers are the ones that match you. But you can apply for that. Then you will see details posted here more on the details application process, and a list of approved UK employers. Which employer will you apply to, the UK government has a list, then you can see the salary range here. These things are with you in different videos.

If you find it difficult to see these things in English. Then if you click on a button on the website, the total blog in Bengali will come to you. You can apply for a UK care worker visa after understanding the whole matter. In all these eligible occupations, those who have experience can find and find the best match with you, create a CV, and then apply to various job sites, but you can collect the job sponsor very easily. And if you get this job sponsor, you can get a maximum five-year visa in this worker sector. The most applied or the most known, popular has been care worker or home carer. There is no need for any kind of education here, a minimum of ILTS will be enough or any kind of experience is not much needed.

Everyone wants to apply easily in this place, that’s why there are many people applying for the position but there are not many. That’s why most of the business or money transactions are done with it, in other sectors or other professions, there is not much money transaction. So you will only apply as a care home, home carer, or care worker and if you have experience in other sectors then you can apply and I think you can get sponsored without any money. So those of you who have experience in those occupations will focus on those things. Don’t just focus on the care worker. I am not prolonging today’s discussion, hopefully from this discussion you have got the latest information about care worker-related visas, and how you can apply, how you can go for a worker visa.

Still, if you have any questions related to this, please let me know in the comments. If you like the blog, share it with your friends who need the information very much. There will be a discussion again on any new important topic till then everyone stay well stay healthy and stay tuned to our channel. Allah Hafez.

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