কানাডা ভিজিট ভিসা থেকে ওয়ার্ক পারমিট পাবেন যেভাবে ….? || How to get Canada Visit visa to PR ||

Many of you want to settle in Canada with a visit visa. Right now as I speak a large number of visit visas are being issued and many of you are applying for new visas. In today’s blog, I will discuss how you can easily settle legally by taking a visit visa to Canada. For those of you who want to take a visit visa to Canada, how to apply for a Canada visit visa, how to apply if you have a white passport, or if you have low bank solvency, or how to apply for a visit visa, there are several informative videos. .

At this stage I will share how you can get a visit visa and then get a permanent stay. In the last few months, a large number of visit visas have been issued and Toronto, Canada has become a Bengali neighborhood. Huge amount of Bengali visitors are already staying there. Many of them are thinking that, how can I legally settle in Canada. If you want to legally settle in Canada, the easiest way is to get a work permit and convert your visitor status to a work permit. But for that you need a preparation. To convert to this work permit, you must have a valid job offer and an employer must give you a job offer, but that job must be an LMI related job.

When you go to Canada, you will see that there are different categories of jobs or many will hire you. Maybe you will be able to work there for a few days, you will be able to earn some income, but with those jobs, you will not be able to try to convert them into work permit. If you cannot fix your legal status, then you will continue to roam in isolation or will not get any government facilities. First, to fix your legal status, you have to try a legal way. For that you need to find an LMI job. Through that job you will get LMI. You can convert work permit if you get job offer with LMI. You know that the Canadian government has given a huge opportunity till February 2025 as many visitors as possible can go and convert to work permits. Those who have a valid job offer or who can manage an employer can take this opportunity.

Now to get this job offer, many of you go to Canada with a visit visa, but then you go around in vain or try to buy the job offer by doing money transactions. But there are very few opportunities to buy job offers in Canada but very limited. For that, many of you go on a visit visa and then try to manage job offers in different ways. Traveled to different places for jobs, contacted different lawyers, contacted different employees. Even if many people want to give you a job offer, foreign workers need some qualification to give a job offer. He can give you a job offer only if you have to fulfill some minimum criteria. And that post should be such that the related employee is not available in the market.

If you prove this, you can get a job offer. Only then will you get your LMI because job offer is not enough and you have to apply for LMI to the Canadian Government. If the LMI is approved, you can convert it to a work permit if you submit it along with it. So, for this reason, you will go there and try. Those who have already left will try in different ways, physically, as well as you can try by dropping your CV on various job sites. And you can take a preparation of it while you are in the country. While you are in the country, you create a CV and create a Canadian standard CV, then if you continuously drop your CVs on different sites, then you have a connection with the employer. Then when you go there, you will update your address there in your profile.

Your mobile number will be updated. Then the employer will think that you are in Canada. You can find it very easily. Then you may be called for a job interview. You have to remember that if you take any LMMI related job or job of any category, you can convert it and apply for work permit. It is actually not possible to convert to work permit for D category jobs. There are D category Hughes jobs, they have agreements with countries around Canada, the maximum is taken from there or those who are inside Canada do the D category jobs in the maximum case. And beyond C category, B category, A category and now the new tire 012345 has been introduced.

5 are D category, 432 if you can apply for any of these category jobs or if you get any of these category jobs then you can convert to work permit. Let’s see some C category jobs. If you have an idea about the maximum jobs, you can find and apply for those jobs. If you have experience or previous training or experience related to your profession, you can apply for that job and get that job.

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